The NYS Sheep & Wool is here and we know you're excited for all the fiber fun this weekend has to offer. Whether this is your first time or fiftieth time attending, we're here to give you some tips to best prepare you for a wonderful wool adventure.
What to Prepare
So much yarn, where do you start? Take a look at the vendor directory on the festival website so you can familiarize yourself with who and what will be present. Make a list of the booths you must visit and take note of all the day's activities. Some shops will be having in person and online sales. Take advantage of our buy three get one free pattern sale, free pattern giveaways, and more! Click here for more details.
What to Bring
On the day of the Sheep & Wool Festival, make sure to grab your favorite tote bag to store all your new squishy skeins. It's a good idea to have a list of yarns and patterns you know you want to try so you don't forget in the midst of all the fibery goodness. Slip some water and hand sanitizer in your bag and you're good to go.
What to Wear
Some comfy shoes are a must - you'll thank us later. Of course, wear your favorite pattern so you can show off your inner knitter. Maybe you'll even bump into the designer or yarn shop. There's no better conversation starter than seeing handcrafted projects in person. Some of our favorites are the Robin's Nest Cardigan, Firefly, and Unbroken. Speaking of sweaters, were you a part of the Rhinebeck Sweater KAL? Wear or bring your design so we can see your luscious creation!
What to Check Out
Sheep, sweaters and yarn galore! Visit the Bare Naked Wools booth and meet designer Anne Hanson in building C #37. Don't miss out on our exclusive giveaways and delicious kits. A knitter's dream is being surrounded by so many fiber artists and designers all in one place. Try something new while you're there - whether it's a new yarn, new color, new pattern, or a show, you're sure to be in wool heaven.